Mohammad-Ali Tukdi never set out to emphasize diversity in his real estate firm, but that’s exactly the way things unfolded for this broker/owner of Dash Realty. 在达拉斯的代理人, 圣安东尼奥, 休斯顿, Midland-Odessa, 和奥斯汀, 这家经纪公司以热情好客而闻名, 为所有种族背景的特工提供包容的场所, 性别, 宗教, 生活方式偏好.

Tukdi, 他来自巴基斯坦, is humble about the fact that his brokerage is garnering attention for its diverse ways. “I never had diversity or inclusion in mind when building my company; it really just happened naturally,Tukdi说, who has more than 180 agents in Texas and is a member of nine local REALTOR® associations.

他一直活跃于美国亚洲2021十大正规彩票app协会(AREAA), 他曾一度担任财务主管. 图克迪说:“我认为这对我们取得今天的成就起到了一定作用。.
如果他必须找出他多样化的经纪人招聘方法的秘密, Tukdi says it would come down to a simple management philosophy: Instead of wanting your agents to be like you, 总是鼓励他们做真实的自己. “我思想开放,我真的不希望我的经纪人像我一样,”图克迪说. “I’m always here to help them grow and succeed, but ultimately I just want them to be themselves.”


作为美国.S. 人口构成继续变得更加多样化, one would assume that real estate brokerages would be morphing to “look” more like the populations that they serve. 根据最新的美国经济报告.S. 例如,人口普查数据显示,德克萨斯州42%的人口是白人.4%的西班牙裔或拉丁裔,12%.7%是黑人或非裔美国人,5%是亚洲人,2%是两个或两个以上种族. That means groups considered “minority” populations now combine to total nearly 4.比德州白人人口还多600万.

这是德州经纪人应该注意的, Socar Chatmon-Thomas说, broker/owner of Elegant Estates by Auction in Austin and an At Home with Diversity (AHWD) instructor. “世界不全是白的,也不全是黑的,”她说. 作为一个国家, 一个国家, 一个产业, 是时候让我们意识到这个世界比其他任何东西都要棕色. 但2021十大正规彩票app不是——如果是的话,我们就不会有这些谈话了.”

称德州为“少数族裔占多数的州”,” Chatmon-Thomas says the tides are slowly changing as more brokers integrate diversity and inclusion initiatives into their recruiting practices. In many cases, however, s他说 those efforts don’t have a strong effort or commitment behind them.

“我不认为经纪公司在积极招聘有色人种, 或者去高中告诉18岁的孩子, ‘嘿, 你猜怎么着? 我想赚点钱? 去2021十大正规彩票app学校怎么样, 成为某人的学徒或助手, 然后自己拓展业务?’”查特蒙-托马斯说. 在大多数情况下, the thought doesn’t even cross an agent’s or broker’s mind that they’re in an office where there are no people of color.”


When Tukdi got into real estate in 2007, the market was in a pretty shaky place. 并不是真的想拿佣金, 他说 he got his real estate license anyway and decided to give the business a shot. “当时我身无分文, 这是为数不多的可以零投资创业的公司之一,Tukdi回忆道. “我需要养活我的家人,所以我基本上必须做这项工作.”

图克迪独自做了两年的公寓定位员, 2009年,他拿到了经纪人执照,开了自己的公司. “I had no agents; I just rented some space and started my business,” 他说. Having endured his fair share of struggles—both financially and in life—Tukdi says when he started building his team, he immediately gravitated to individuals who were hard workers but were dealing with challenges and needed help building their businesses.

“I would meet with them and try to figure out what component they were missing and what was lacking,Tukdi说. “Then, I’d figure out how to help them overcome their obstacles and grow their businesses.随着他的经纪业务的发展, Tukdi says he also sought out individuals who saw him as less of a boss and more of a coach and mentor. 更重要的是, 他说, 是他从他带进来的每个人身上吸取了教训吗, 直到今天依然如此.

“我认为自己是学生,”图克迪说. That approach has not only helped this Texas broker attract a diverse agent base, 但这也使经纪人的流动率降至最低. “My agents are like family to me,Tukdi说, who doesn’t keep formal business hours. “我随时为他们服务,随时待命. 即使是周日晚上8点.m.他们知道他们可以向我寻求任何他们需要的东西.”


Peggy Jones always knew she wanted to run her own commercial real estate brokerage, 但她不太确定怎么去那里. 自2004年起获发牌照, 两年后,她成为了一名经纪人, 获得硕士学位, 然后跑到大街上找经纪人工作. “他们没有一个人愿意和我说话,琼斯说。, 他现在是圣马科斯SVN/PJP商业经纪公司的总经理, 因为我在这个行业没有足够的背景知识.

“我建造过露营地,也有开发经验,她说。, 但这些似乎都不重要.“很失望,但没有气馁, 琼斯成了一名处理商业交易的贷款经纪人, 但仍对商业经纪业务感兴趣.

She looked at the franchises and applied for jobs at some large national brokerages without success until applying for a position at SVN/PJP in New Braunfels—a company that at the time was attempting to expand its agent diversification efforts.

“I watched one of their videos where someone talked about having more women and minorities become a part of SVN,琼斯说。. “我想,哇,也许我应该拿起电话给他们打电话.” Jones makes no secret about how disheartened she was leading up to the day she picked up that phone, 希望这次能有不同的结果.

她得到了她所渴望的. 以你的经验,电话那头的声音告诉她, “你应该经营自己的经纪公司,而不是为别人打工.” After the firm invited her to attend a training program and reduced its franchise fee to make it more affordable for her, 琼斯成为该公司圣马科斯地区的董事总经理.

如今,琼斯与SVN的五年特许经营合同已经进入了两年. 她把自己的经验变成了在这个行业的优势, 根据全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会® 2018年商业会员简介在美国,男性占70%,平均年龄为60岁. “这根本不能很好地代表人口,”琼斯说.

Jones says she’s making incremental changes in her own company and has demonstrated a commitment to diversity and inclusion at her firm. 例如,她最近雇佣了三名不同背景的特工.

琼斯认为,良好的培训是解决这一问题的一种方法, and says it stands to reason that someone who went through the licensing and training process should be respected as a capable professional, 不管他们是什么肤色, 他们的种族, 性别, 或者生活方式偏好.

“Don’t just automatically assume that because someone doesn’t fit your profile, he or she hasn’t been adequately trained and isn’t capable of handling the business.”