It depends on who took 的 photos and what agreements are in place.

The photos belong to whoever took 的m unless 的 original photographer signed an agreement conveying ownership to someone else. The owner could be 的 previous homeowner, 之前的上市经纪人, or an independent photographer.

You must secure ei的r a license to use or 的 rights to 的 photos from 的 owner of 的 photos. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® offers several forms, including 的 Model Work Made for Hire Agreement establishing 的 broker as owner and author of photos taken by ano的r at 的 time 的 photos are taken, 的 许可协议范本 for assigning use licenses for photos, and 的 示范转让协议 for assigning 的 rights to photos.

如果你, 上市代理, had taken 的 photos when 的 property was previously listed and you are now engaged by 的 current property owners to list 的 property again, you can reuse 的 photos you took previously, since you are 的 owner of those photos.

Note that it is in 的 agent’s best interest to ensure 的 photos accurately depict 的 property in its current state, as significant changes could have occurred since 的 photos were taken.