A beautiful mural for a child’s bedroom. A handmade gazebo for early summer nights. An elaborate and well-maintained garden. Buyers and sellers may highly value these additions, but appraisers will not.

These cosmetic features do not raise a home’s appraised value, 大卫·摩根说, a Dallas-Fort Worth area broker and Certified General Appraiser with 35 years of experience in residential and commercial real estate.

“作为一个估价师, you’d look at homes that sold with a simple gazebo and ones that sold without, and chances are there’s not any difference in the sales price,他说.

网站的改进, such as an accessory dwelling unit or an outdoor living area with kitchen, 可以增加价值. Clients should not expect a dollar-for-dollar return on their investment, Morgan warns.

“我见过有人投50美元,000 outdoor living area in a $200,000 neighborhood and expect to get $50,当他们去卖的时候,会多出1000美元, 它不在那里. 这是一个过度的改进. You paid more for it than the market will recognize in the value increase,他说.

Swimming pools are the classic example of an over-improvement, Morgan说. “你放了60美元进去,300美元,000美元,000 neighborhood and it increases the value maybe $20,000 or $25,000.”

The market value of these improvements matters because deals can be at risk if the property is appraised below the asking price. Depending on the contract, the buyer can back out of the deal or negotiate a different price. Buyers can also find another lender and appraiser, which Morgan说 is not uncommon.

也就是说, not all site improvements or cosmetic updates add value, 但大多数都增加了市场价值, Morgan说. “That means it makes it easier to sell because buyers like it, which usually results in less time on the market. However, it’s wiser to remodel or update kitchens and bathrooms than build a gazebo or a fancy mural. That’s where real value is added,他说.