Being a landlord can be a wise decision but it isn’t for everyone. Here are some things to consider before you put out a 出租 标志.


Just as you perform due diligence on a property and its condition, you should do your homework on the area’s rental market. Is there a steady stream of potential 租户? Some communities have an obvious source of 租户, such as a nearby university. Will the market support the level of rental income you envision? 至少, you want to be able to charge enough rent to cover the property’s mortgage, 税, 保险, 和维护. If you’re unsure about any aspects of the market for a rental property or how much rent to charge, talk to a REALTOR® who’s familiar with the area.


Successful landlords find good 租户 and retain them so both parties are content. If you’d rather not take on tasks like addressing complaints or maintenance issues, 你得雇个物业经理. Many REALTORS® specialize in property management and can take care of related duties including handling leases, 管理基金, 筛选申请人. Work with a REALTOR® who is knowledgeable about local and state laws and 租户’ rights to ensure you are in compliance.


作为房东, you will be responsible for the routine maintenance and emergency repairs on a rental property. Maybe you can handle annual touch-up work, but unless you’re well-versed in HVAC systems and your city’s plumbing and electric codes, you’ll need phone numbers for reliable repairmen.


One nice thing about renting out a garage apartment or half of your duplex is that you’re never far away if there’s an emergency with the property, 比如水管爆裂或倒下的树. 然而, 如果你不住在附近, it may be difficult to keep an eye on the property to ensure it’s kept in good condition. This is yet another reason why it’s a good idea to work with a local property manager who can help look after your property.


The 保险 coverage you need as a landlord is different than what you have as a homeowner. Landlord 保险 can protect you and your investment property from loss of income in the event that the property becomes uninhabitable, 就像火灾后一样, 或者在租客-房东纠纷期间.


查找属性, whether it’s for you and 租户 or just to rent out, presents challenges that differ from just 购买 a house for you and your family. Use the services of a REALTOR® with a background in property management. She’ll help you guide you through the process, from deciding if it’s appropriate for you to become a landlord to finding properties that best fit your search criteria.