Do you know if your real e状态 agent is a REALTOR®?

等等,? Aren’t those just different terms for the same thing?

A lot of people think so, but the terms are not synonymous. Here’s the difference: All 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® are licensed real e状态 agents or 经纪人. However, not all real e状态 agents or 经纪人 are 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®.


Once someone becomes licensed as a real e状态 agent in Texas, that person can voluntarily join an association of REALTORS®. If she doesn’t, she can’t call herself a REALTOR®. 至少在法律上是不合法的. 

OK. 那么?

REALTORS® promise to follow a professional code of conduct that is more stringent than what’s legally required. 例如, though federal fair-housing laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 家庭地位, 和残疾, the REALTOR® 道德守则 also forbids discrimination based on 性ual orientation or gender identity.

通过他们当地的, 状态, and national associations, REALTORS® also get involved in issues important to residential and commercial real e状态 消费者. REALTORS® are fighting hard to maintain the mortgage-interest deduction that lowers millions of people’s federal income-tax burden, 例如.

Those are just two reasons to make sure your real e状态 professional is not only a licensed agent or broker but a Texas REALTOR® as well.