REALTORS® gathered virtually to inspire, 通知, 并在2021年德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®冬季会议上共同庆祝成就, 2月16日至18日. 该活动吸引了2241名注册者,许多人在冬季风暴乌里期间面临重大挑战.

Watch recordings of the panels and sessions at texasreale状态.com/wintermeeting.


“We move into 2021 still geographically and socially distanced. 然而, 我们将继续朝着帮助会员及其客户取得成功的目标迈进,2021年主席马文·乔利在欢迎与会者时说.

开幕会议期间, 执行教练和前NBA球员Walter Bond鼓励REALTORS®建立关系并抓住机会. 忠于结果, 而不是策略, allows for pivoting to more successful strategies.

“Adversity will increase our value if we let it. 我不管你去哪里. 我不在乎你怎么学习. 每当你看到一些人做了一些伟大的事情,你就知道他们经历过逆境。.

REALTORS® Honored For Achievements

休斯顿2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®的Shad Bogany被评为2020年度德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®. 2013 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®主席通过他的业务对2021十大正规彩票app产生了积极的影响, educating audiences through broadcasting, 以及对影响住房的州和地方实体的任命.

Association leaders recognized the following award winners:

  • 威廉·C. 詹宁斯奖:卢伯克2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会的Alison Blalock
  • 年度教育家:威廉森县2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会的坎迪斯·库克
  • 汤姆维. Morton Award: Connie Coots of the Odessa Board of REALTORS®
  • 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®好邻居奖:Houston Association of REALTORS®的Sydney Ealy
  • 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®年度草根倡导者:格兰伯里2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®的Lee Overstreet
  • Mark Lehman政府事务成就奖:Austin Board of REALTORS®
  • 年度教育计划-创新:休斯顿2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®
  • 年度教育计划-市场营销:休斯顿2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®
  • 年度教育计划-系列或短期计划:大都会2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®
  • 年度教育计划-法律:MetroTex2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®.


地区副总裁在2月16日的党团会议上听取了成员的反馈并提供了最新情况. The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Board of Directors met February 18. They approved the election of 2022 regional vice presidents:

  • Region 1: Vanessa Dirks, Lubbock
  • Region 3: Tim Schoendorf, Denton
  • 区域3:J.R. 马丁内斯,大沃斯堡
  • Region 4: David Long, Collin County
  • Region 4: Nick Kline, Collin County
  • Region 8: Jack Stapleton, Williamson County
  • Region 10: Gail Robinson, Brazoria County
  • Region 11: Carl Leatherman, Harlingen
  • Region 12: Cathy Mitchell, MetroTex
  • Region 12: Judy Jones, MetroTex
  • Region 12: Taylor Walcik, MetroTex
  • Region 13: Jan Hicinbothom, San Antonio
  • Region 13: Grant Lopez, San Antonio
  • Region 13: Sara Briseño Gerrish, San Antonio
  • Region 13: Marquis Williams, San Antonio
  • Region 14: Mario Arriaga, Houston
  • Region 14: Chaille Ralph, Houston
  • Region 14: Richard Miranda, Houston
  • Region 14: Cathy Trevino, Houston
  • Region 14: Delora Wilkinson, Houston
  • Region 14: Shae Cottar, Houston
  • Region 14: Cindy Hamann, Houston
  • Region 14: Lorraine Abercrombie, Houston
  • Region 15: Teresa Scott-Tibbs, Austin
  • 第15区:奥斯汀的Susie Kang
  • Region 15: David Pruitt, Austin
  • Region 16: Andrew Haggerty, Greater El Paso

董事会还批准了2022年德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导团队的选举:主席Russell Berry, 当选主席马库斯·菲普斯, and Secretary/Treasurer David Alan Cox.

Governmental Relations and Advocacy

During the “Governmental Relations Forum: Advocacy in Action,乔利就德州经济问题采访了德州审计长格伦·黑格. Hegar说,虽然COVID-19大流行和石油和天然气价格下跌对德克萨斯州产生了重大影响, 销售税收入减轻了经济衰退的影响. Hegar还讨论了该州的预算短缺、经济稳定基金和养老金问题.

“要恢复到疫情前的水平,德克萨斯州的经济还有很长的路要走, 然而, 它的稳定性更好了, 值得庆幸的是, 部分是因为你和我, 消费者, adapting to try to continue to engage with the economy,他说.

得克萨斯州的代表. 科迪·哈里斯和克里斯蒂·沃彻斯, Region 5 appointee to the Political Involvement Committee, talked about the two-way street between legislators and advocates.

政府事务负责人与当地官员讨论了第一手经验, 状态, 以及全国性的政治宣传. 香农McGahn, NAR chief advocacy officer; Tray Bates, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® vice president of governmental affairs; and Adam Majorie, 科林县2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会首席宣传官谈到了2021十大正规彩票app经纪人如何参与其中.

Diversity, Technology, and Risk Reduction

在“一条共同的线”期间,YPN和全球, 商业, and Diversity 委员会 examined increasingly diverse 消费者, 千禧年的购房者, the rise of global climate-conscious investing, 以及商业发展如何在德州创造包容性社区. 该论坛邀请了2021年多元化委员会主席chuncey Pham, 2020 Diversity Chairman Sara Briseño Gerrish, 2021 全球 Committee member Bahman Davani, 2021 商业 Committee vice-chairman Amber Gilbert, 2019 商业 Committee chairman Kenny Gross, 2019 YPN Committee chairman Nick Kline, 2021 全球 Committee chairman Brenda Taylor, and 2020 YPN Committee member Cameron Willmann.

“Contract Issues Old and New, Especially New!,由风险降低委员会主席Cathy Trevino主持. TREC General Counsel Vanessa Burgess, TREC Deputy General Counsel Abby Lee, Allegiance Title Company CEO Dawn Moore, and Texas REALTOR® member Rob Cook discussed contract changes, including delivering the termination option fee to title company, 住宅租赁附录, and the residential fixture addendum. They also talked about multiple offers and backup 合同.

在技术/美国职业足球大联盟论坛期间, “What’s Ahead for the Real E状态 Business and its Practice,NAR高级法律顾问Charlie Lee和NAR 美国职业足球大联盟项目主管Rene Galicia谈到了最近的美国2021十大正规彩票app市场.S. Department of Justice settlement and 美国职业足球大联盟 rules. Lee said no actions are required at this time pursuant to the settlement; NAR and the DOJ are finalizing the language of future changes, 必须归档, 评论, 并提交审批. 加利西亚讨论了今年年初生效的其他大联盟规则.

WAV集团管理合伙人玛丽莲·威尔逊主持了“合并如何塑造2021十大正规彩票app行业”.” She discussed changes in online listing sites, companies’ greater interest in referrals and data, and the impact of Facebook Marketplace, 在其他主题中.


During the TREPAC Together: 2020 奖 and Recognition Program, contributors were named to the TREPAC Hall of Fame. In 2020, leaders reported raising $5.1600万年. TREPAC共有152名名人堂成员、129名总统圈子成员和1036名主要投资者.

一位特别嘉宾,德克萨斯州参议员. 塞萨尔布兰科, said COVID-19 relief and recovery, the biennial budget including public school financing, and redistricting would be major issues for the 87th Legislature.

观看所有的录音 texasreale状态.com/wintermeeting.